Senior Design

EMIS 4395 Senior Design

Spring 2019, TuTh, 3:30-4:50 p.m.
Classroom: Caruth 384
Senior Design Lab: Caruth Hall 484

Instructor: Richard S. Barr, Ph.D.
Office hours: TuTh 2-3:00
Office: Caruth Hall 333
Office phone: (214) 768-1772
Office fax: (214) 768-1112
Home page:
Email: barr at smu dot edu


Call for Senior Design Projects


Course Objectives

  • To apply the principles of management science to problems in industry and government
  • Learn to acquire, design, execute, and manage an actual consulting project

Each student will complete a senior design project, which involves a "real world" application of the techniques of operations research and engineering management. The student is to:

  1. Identify an appropriate project,
  2. Design and solve a model or system for a client organization,
  3. Prepare a management report,
  4. Make a project presentation, and
  5. Deliver the presentation and report to the client

The project report and presentation will constitute the entire grade. Below is a description of the report and presentation, and the evaluation criteria. Group projects are allowed and encouraged, but the standards are higher than for individual projects. .

The class will meet during the first portion of the semester to: review application areas, identify topics, survey software systems and go over the project management process. In addition, there may be visiting speakers from industry (attendance required).

After the introductory part of the course, class will be held for group presentations and guest speakers. Weekly progress reports are required, and students will meet primarily with the instructor on an individual basis for project assistance. Each team or person will make a mid-term presentation on the status of their project.

At the end of the semester, presentations will be scheduled as described below, and the final report turned in for evaluation.

[Home] [Project] [Report] [Presentations] [Grading]