The Design Project

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate on an actual problem or problem type your expertise in model design and analysis using the management science skills developed during your program of undergraduate study. The grade for the project will constitute your entire course grade.

The project will consist of a presentation and a written report. The presentation will be approximately 20 minutes in length (longer with group projects) and will be given the last week(s) of class and during the the time allotted for the final exam. A typical presentation is described below. The faculty of the EMIS department have expressed a strong interest in your projects and often attend the presentations.

The written report is due at the time set for our final. It should be typed and spiral bound, using departmental cover sheets. A suggested outline and topics to be included are described below. 

Choosing a Topic

The best topic is one that is of personal interest to you. Students have worked on ideas from companies where they or a friend have worked, from family businesses, and from companies that they were simply interested in. Your instructor also will have ideas for projects. You are assured of having a good topic. See the links below for sources of project ideas.


Project Idea Sources

Previous Projects

Related Links

Software sources

  • - wide range of open-source software
  • COIN-OR - open source optimization and other MS/OR packages
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