
Archive for the ‘Planning’ Category

Transportation Network for Williams Technologies

January 20th, 2010 No comments

williamstechnology_networkflowdiagramClient: Williams Technologies, Inc.
Team: Erik Wikstrom, Jeff Cate
Faculty advisor:  Dr. Barr  Year: 1996
Documents: Final report (PDF)

Williams Technologies Incorporated (WTI), intends to increase customer satisfaction by decreasing time-to-market of its products, namely re-manufactured transmissions. WTI believes this goal can be accomplished by developing a more efficient shipping system, while minimizing the cost-to-market. This new system may be developed in-house or outsourced. Therefore, WTI needs an in-house solution that can be compared to those submitted by outside sources. Read more…

Quest Resource: Natural Gas Marketing

October 5th, 2009 No comments

Award Winner: Omega Rho National
Student Project Competition
Quest Resource, Inc.
Team:  John Jarvis, Claudia Johnson, Liana Vetter
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2004
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

Currently, Quest guarantees about 85% of its gas through monthly contracts, while selling the remaining at the daily price. The amount to guarantee per sale point per month is a major decision within Quest. The motivation for Quest to optimize this process is two-fold. First, by paying close attention to past production, optimization can help assure that Quest will rarely produce under their monthly guarantee and will never incur a penalty for that underproduction. Second, through researching the historical relationship between Quest’s contract prices and the corresponding market prices for each month, Quest can better estimate the contract volume that will maximize revenue. Read more…

Traffic Flow: Exploring Dynamic vs. Static Toll Pricing in a Traffic Network Simulation Model

October 5th, 2009 No comments

trafficflow1Client: CEE Prof. Abdelghani
Team:  Nora Shora, Laura Tatsch
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2006
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

Many cities across the world have experienced, and are currently experiencing, increased traffic on highways and urban networks.  At the same time, roads and highways have a limited capacity and are only capable of transporting a limited number of travelers. An increase in the number of travelers has increased all of the following factors associated with travel: travel time, number of stops, travel costs, delays, air pollution, accidents, and noise level.

Road pricing is one tactic used as an effective demand management strategy to reduce traffic congestion and improve performance during peak periods in many cities. In our simulation model of Knoxville, TN we added tolls to certain roads in the network in order to acquire data that would help us distinguish whether changing tolls during peak hours would improve average travel time. Read more…

Orange Grove Management

June 5th, 2009 Comments off

Orange Grove Management

Client: Gonzalez Orange Groove
Team:  Rafael Alvarez, Sylia Gallegos, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Sky Noyd
Faculty advisor: Dr. Barr   Year: 2008
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

For this project we represent both the client and the consultant. This is possible because Juan is the owner of an orange grove in Veracruz, Mexico and he is interested in maximizing his profit by analyzing the revenues and costs of production for his orange grove. Read more…