JSeq, Job Sequencing

Job-scheduling and sequencing model. For instructions and examples, see JSEQ Help.   info_w_64px

Model Input Form

Enter model title:

Select option:
Scheduling rule and stages
Select ruleStages  Job input format
First-come first-served 1 A
Shortest processing time first 1 A
Earliest due date 1A
Critical ratio 1A
Slack time remaining 1A
All of the above 1A
Johnson's rule 2B
Johnson's rule with due dates 2 C
Palmer's rule 2 B
Palmer's rule 3 B
Palmer's rule 4 B

Enter for each job on a separate line (jobnames 1-8 characters):
Format A: jobname jobtime duedate
Format B: jobname stage1time stage2time ...
Format C: jobname stage1time stage2time dueDate

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