Lone Star Oil

Lone Star Oil case from the Production Systems Handbook.

DTREE data:

D 1 2 Dril Lease and drill w/o seismic
D 1 16 Drop Drop option
D 1 3 Test Take seismic tests
E 2 8 .52 Oil! oil found
E 2 9 .48 DryH dry well
E 3 4 .4  NegT tests are negative
E 3 5 .6 PosT tests are positive
D 4 6 Dril lease and drill
D 4 12 Drop drop the idea
D 5 7 Dril lease and drill
D 5 15 Drop drop the idea
E 6 10 .1 Oil! oil found
E 6 11 .9 DryH dry well
E 7 13 .8 Oil! gusher
E 7 14 .2 DryH dry well
P 8 300  found oil, no testing
P 9 -200 dry, no testing
P 16 0   drop right now
P 10 270  gusher after testing
P 11 -230 dry, after testing
P 12 -30  drop after testing
P 13 270  gusher after testing
P 14 -230 dry, after testing
P 15 -30  drop after testing

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