New product decision problem, from class discussion.
DTREE input data:
D 1 2 Intr introduce product now D 1 3 Drop do not introduce D 1 4 Surv order the survey to be taken E 2 20 .4 HiSa sales are high E 2 21 .6 LoSa sales are low P 20 30 P 21 -15 P 3 0 E 4 5 .3 FSuc success is forecast by the survey E 4 6 .4 FFal failure is forecast by the survey E 4 7 .3 FInc the survey is inconclusive D 5 8 Intr introduce the product D 5 9 Drop drop the product idea E 8 14 .66667 HiSa sales are high E 8 15 .33333 LoSa sales are low P 14 29.75 P 15 -15.25 P 9 -.25 D 6 10 Intr introduce the product D 6 11 Drop drop the product idea E 10 16 .25 HiSa sales are high E 10 17 .75 LoSa sales are low P 16 29.75 P 17 -15.25 P 11 -.25 D 7 12 Intr introduce the product D 7 13 Drop drop the product idea E 12 18 .33333 HiSa sales are high E 12 19 .66667 LoSa sales are low P 18 29.75 P 19 -15.25 P 13 -.25