Grating-Outcoupled Surface-Emitting Lasers
Grating-Assisted Directional Couplers
Integration of GSE lasers with Heterostructure Bipolar TransistorsSuccessful monolithic integration of receiver modules for high speed and high performance applications include PIN Photodetectors (PD) with Transimpedance Amplifiers (TIA's) where the electronic circuits are fabricated based on High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) or Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors (HBTs) [11]. Commercial InP houses such as Vitesse, TriQuint and VSK Photonics are also pursuing monolithic integration of a PIN PD with HBT. Up to now, the merging of semiconductor lasers and laser driver electronics onto the same substrate has not yet been addressed seriously, in part due to the divergent development paths taken by optoelectronics and electronics research groups. InP-based epitaxy materials for 1310 and 1550 nm edge emitting (EE) lasers have mostly been developed by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD), while the high-speed laser drivers, especially for OC-768 and beyond, are developed by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). The following are key issues difficulties for integrating the lasers and electronic drivers:
With the availability of the phosphorous valved cracker and other advances, MBE is now able to grow quality long wavelength InP-based lasers with the advantage of high doping and no issues with hydrogen passivation. The objective of this task is to demonstrate a pathway for economical integration of long wavelength lasers with HBT based electronic laser drivers as shown conceptually in Fig. 11. SMU and IntelliEPI will develop a combined epitaxy structure that will add a long wavelength diode laser to an InP HBT epi structure that will serve as a basis for the development of a high performance monolithic integrated laser module. The HBT part of the epi structure will be developed based on the already well-established repertoire of HBT know-how at IntelliEPI. The long wavelength laser part will be the Grating-out-coupled Surface Emitting (GSE) semiconductor lasers developed at SMU. To verify the integrity of the combined epi structure, measurements of resulting devices will be compared to traditional HBTs and lasers. These tests will include a) large area device processing results from the HBT materials, and b) broad area laser processing results form the laser materials. As a proof of concept with successful epi materials development, an Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit (EPIC) consisting of a laser connected to an HBT laser driver from the same epi wafer will be fabricated.
Fig. 11. A monolithic EPIC for laser module integrating both GSE laser/Modulator and HBT electronic driver [12].
Fig. 13. a) Schematic diagram of Combined Laser + HBT with Laser on top, and b) with Laser on the bottom. |
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