
Archive for the ‘Presentation’ Category

Telecom Mergers & Acquisitions: Economical & Technological Effects

June 23rd, 2010 No comments

Team:  Julianna LaFerney, Casey O’Brien
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Siems
Year: 2009
Documents: Final Report (Word), Final Presentation (PPT)

Telecommunications industry is one of the most profitable and rapidly developing industries in the world and it is regarded as an indispensable component of the worldwide utility and services sector.  In recent years, the number of mergers and acquisitions in Telecom Sector has been increasing significantly, and this event study explores mergers and acquisitions in the United States’ telecommunications industry. The study analyzes the history of mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry using market and event study modeling while using the Verizon and Alltel merger as the case study. Read more…

Tuning-In on the Market: The Financial Impact of Project Delays in Product Development

June 23rd, 2010 No comments

logo_microtuneClient: Microtune Inc.
Team: Andrew Bass, Chris Ginder, Shan Zaidi
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Siems
Year: 2009
Documents: Final Report (Word), Final Presentation (PPT)

The problem our team faced was how to account for the financial impact of project delays in product development. Microtune had a product in the market and a new product was under consideration to replace the existing product. The goal was to determine the value of the new product to the firm. In order to generate a cost/benefits analysis for the implementation of a product we developed a series of models in Excel to account for various uncertainties. Read more…

The Wealth of Nations: A Study of Political Institutions and Economic Growth

June 23rd, 2010 No comments

Team: Kathryn Gotcher, Kyle Merino, Gregory Moran
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Siems   Year: 2009
Documents: Final Report (Word), Final Presentation (PPT)

In the present global economic state, finding ways to improve a nation’s economy is vital to government leaders. The problem presented to us was to study various political institutions and policies of the world’s nations and determine which measures, if any, are accurate predictors of economic health and growth. In particular, we were interested in the effect that measures of free trade would have upon the economy. Read more…

Transportation Bid Selection Tool

January 20th, 2010 No comments

Client: truckingAlix Partners
Team: Matthew Hale
Faculty advisor: Dr. Barr   Year: 2008
Documents: Final report, final presentation

The main goal of this project was to create a tool that would assist midsize companies in their selection of transportation bids. The tool needed to be easy to use, scalable, reusable, and distributable. In order to accomplish these goals, Microsoft Access was selected as the platform to handle the back-end tasks. By developing a clean front-end for Access, we were able to meet the ease of use requirement while harnessing the power of Access to scale and be reusable. Read more…

More Than Just Great Food: Factors Influencing Customer Traffic in Restaurants

October 5th, 2009 No comments

Team: Emily Moravec, Megan Siems, Christine Van Horn
Faculty advisor:  Dr. Siems  Year: 2009
Documents: Final report (Word), Final presentation (PPT)

Although our client is a world leader in casual dining, the company experienced a decrease in overall customer traffic from one year to the next at one of the specific casual dining brands. As the company invested time and money into marketing campaigns for this restaurant chain throughout the year, they were interested in what caused the overall percent change in customer traffic from the first half of fiscal year 2008 (from now on referred to as 1HF08) to the first half of the fiscal year 2009 (1HF09) to be -3.74%. Read more…

Quest Resource: Natural Gas Marketing

October 5th, 2009 No comments

Award Winner: Omega Rho National
Student Project Competition
Quest Resource, Inc.
Team:  John Jarvis, Claudia Johnson, Liana Vetter
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2004
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

Currently, Quest guarantees about 85% of its gas through monthly contracts, while selling the remaining at the daily price. The amount to guarantee per sale point per month is a major decision within Quest. The motivation for Quest to optimize this process is two-fold. First, by paying close attention to past production, optimization can help assure that Quest will rarely produce under their monthly guarantee and will never incur a penalty for that underproduction. Second, through researching the historical relationship between Quest’s contract prices and the corresponding market prices for each month, Quest can better estimate the contract volume that will maximize revenue. Read more…

Expediting the Changeover Time at the American Airlines Center

October 5th, 2009 No comments

Client: American Airlines Centeraac
Team:  Andrew Conway, Marcos Garza, Tabatha G. Olaechea, Jennifer Keen, Marcus Wentrck
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2004
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

The American Airlines Center is a dual – purpose facility; they house the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks as well as the NHL’s Dallas Stars and must accommodate them both through out their respective seasons.  The AAC is setup to change back and forth to both set ups.  Making a quicker transition time when switching from a basketball court to a hockey rink would decrease scheduling conflicts between the two teams, and possibly allow for an increase in other sports; and non-sporting (i.e. concerts, seminars, rodeos, etc.) events to take place in the arena.  This could potentially increase revenue for the AAC.  As of right now they do not make much money on the Maverick’s and Star’s games, so by decreasing changeover time, they would be able to bring in other venues to increase the amount of money they make in a fiscal year.

Read more…

Traffic Flow: Exploring Dynamic vs. Static Toll Pricing in a Traffic Network Simulation Model

October 5th, 2009 No comments

trafficflow1Client: CEE Prof. Abdelghani
Team:  Nora Shora, Laura Tatsch
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2006
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

Many cities across the world have experienced, and are currently experiencing, increased traffic on highways and urban networks.  At the same time, roads and highways have a limited capacity and are only capable of transporting a limited number of travelers. An increase in the number of travelers has increased all of the following factors associated with travel: travel time, number of stops, travel costs, delays, air pollution, accidents, and noise level.

Road pricing is one tactic used as an effective demand management strategy to reduce traffic congestion and improve performance during peak periods in many cities. In our simulation model of Knoxville, TN we added tolls to certain roads in the network in order to acquire data that would help us distinguish whether changing tolls during peak hours would improve average travel time. Read more…

Achieve Healthcare Technologies

October 5th, 2009 No comments

Client: Achieve Healthcare Technologiesachieve
Team:  Kristin March, Laura Bailey, Rachel Potter, Allison Bass
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2006
Documents: Final report (Word), final presentation (PPT)

Achieve Healthcare Technologies is the largest privately held provider of information system products and services to the long-term care industry.  They serve clients across the U.S. and have long stood for higher quality and improved bottom lines for sub-acute long-term care, skilled nursing, assisted living, and continuing care retirement facilities and communities. Additionally, they have consistently led the industry in introducing new, innovative products and services. Read more…

Alcon Labs: Project Chiron

October 5th, 2009 No comments

Client: Alcon Inc.alcon_improvementchart
Team:  C. Davis, C. Ngo, D. Nguyen, S. Ramdhanny, B. Long
Faculty advisor: Barr   Year: 2004
Documents: Final report (PDF), final presentation (PPT)

Alcon, Inc. has successfully progressed into a research-and-development-driven, global pharmaceutical company focused on eye care. At their headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, Alcon operates two manufacturing plants that produce more than 10,000 unique products. In October 2003, Alcon closed their Madrid (Spain) manufacturing plant and assigned its manufacturing responsibilities to Fort Worth. The combined product lines have currently been in production with unacceptable inefficiencies, including loss in whitestock production and production time, packaging and labeling difficulties as well as capacity and scheduling issues.

The Southern Methodist University undergraduate engineering students (Team Alcon) volunteered to review current manufacturing operations and propose process improvements with the goal of achieving significant cost savings. The sole purpose of this project will be to observe, develop, evaluate, and implement management science concepts that will significantly support and impact efficiency levels. Read more…