Associate Professor
Computer Science
Bobby B. Lyle School of Engineering
Southern Methodist University
CS Office:
451 Caruth Hall
Lyle School of Engineering
Caruth Hall
3145 Dyer Street, Suite 445
Dallas, TX 75205
SMU UbiComp Lab:
Johnson Square 189
This class will equip students with the practical skills necessary to
develop mobile applications able to take advantage of the myriad of
sensing, machine learning, and control capabilities that modern
smartphones offer. The course focuses on interfacing with the hardware
of the phone and inferring high level information from the sensors
streams. Particular focus will be placed upon efficiently analyzing and
controlling hardware peripherals on third party hardware, such as an
embedded micro-controller or peripheral such as Google Glass. This
third-party hardware platform will interface with the mobile platform
and allow students to integrate realtime control/automation with the
sensing learned earlier in the semester.Assignments will use both
objective C and C++ programming languages, on the iOS platform. Feel
free to contact the instructor at
eclarson@lyle.smu.edu if you have any questions.
class introduces the processes of exploring, visualizing, and
classifying large amounts of data. This course provides an introduction
to classic and contemporary learning techniques in classification and regression, using the Python
programming language for simple APIs and rapid prototyping.
We explore linear classification algorithms and their non-linear counterparts via kernel tricks.
We also explore Neural Networks and deep learning architectures, with emphasis on GPU accelerated training
and auto encoding procedures. Class projects focus on using Kaggle competitions as example datasets.
All material covered will be reinforced through hands-on experience using state-of-the art tools to
design and execute data learning algorithms. Class examples will come from
Python. Pre-requisite courses for this class include basic
statistics and probability, and introductory algorithm analysis (or
desire to learn quickly). Feel free to contact the instructor at
eclarson@lyle.smu.edu if you have any questions.
Introduction to the principles and motivation behind advanced neural network design and applications. Survey of important topics and current areas of research, including transfer learning, multi-task and multi-modal learning, image style transfer, neural network visualization, generative adversarial networks, and deep reinforcement learning. Class examples and assignments will come from the programming language Python. Prerequisite: CS 7324. Feel free to contact the instructor at
eclarson@lyle.smu.edu if you have any questions.
This class explores the area of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) and
the role of cognitive computing in the evolution of the computing paradigm. The course allows students to work on a variety of small technology projects.
Students will be exposed to the basics of building ubicomp systems,
emerging new research topics, and advanced prototyping techniques. This
course focuses more on class discussions and hands on demonstrations,
while formal lectures will be conducted only as needed. Students are
evaluated on their class participation, reading, papers, and
projects. This course incorporates a combination of topics covering a
wide variety of disciplines that impact ubiquitous computing. These
include human-computer interaction (HCI), machine learning, embedded
systems, signal processing, networking, and electrical engineering.
While there is no explicit set of pre-requisite courses for this class,
a basic introduction to a subset of these disciplines will benefit you
in this class. Feel free to contact the instructor at
eclarson@lyle.smu.edu if you have any questions.
class introduces the processes of managing, exploring, visualizing, and
acting on large amounts of data. This course provides an introduction
to data-mining techniques (classification, regression, association and
cluster analysis) used in analytics. All material covered will be
reinforced through hands-on experience using state-of-the art tools to
design and execute data mining processes. Class examples will come from
Python and R. Pre-requisite courses for this class include basic
statistics and probability, and introductory algorithm analysis (or
desire to learn quickly). Experience with databases is helpful but not
required. Feel free to contact the instructor at
eclarson@lyle.smu.edu if you have any questions.
The Computer Science and Engineering Department at SMU hosts regular
talks in the form of colloquia and distinguished lectures. Talks are
held on the SMU campus and open to the public.
Copyright (c) 2013 Eric Larson, eclarson.com. All rights reserved. Design by FreeCSSTemplates.org. Many design elements on this site are courtesy of Jon Froehlich.